A multifaceted project involving 40 Music paintings involving musicians around the world, QR codes to hear them play, Haiku poetry, 90 page book, instruments, and Art film with original music by Grammy awarded composer. Film awarded in over 50 film festivals around the world. Exhibit, book and film offered nationwide.
40 oil paintings of musicians around the world with haiku by Malaysian poet and artist Christina Chin.
Every instrument of the orchestra and beyond painted. All physical instruments of the orchestra displayed on a stage
Musicians in the paintings will play opening night
Painting labels with QR code to hear each musician play
Two Chopin novels featuring two of the paintings with author present
A film of the paintings with original music composed by the 'Composer' painting Grammy awarded Kira Dawn Keeman Rugen and Typeset Film. The film has been awarded in Rome, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, St Petersburg, Calcutta, Istanbul, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
A book of the paintings with Haiku by Malaysian poet Christina Chin by ArtReach Gallery publications. Details below
38 paintings with original Haiku on facing page by noted Malaysian poet Christina Chin. $20/book, $5 shipping. Email me for order and easy payment by PayPal.
Official film poster
Gives one the idea of the gallery exhibit in Portland